35th BLOG POST CELEBRATION! Oh and Happy Holidays!

This post marks my 35th to this blog, which is a substantial amount for any blog given the duration of a few months.  So, I am proud of myself.  It has been an awesome experience to be able to share my piercing experiences (the good and the bad) with you all, and I look forward to sharing more!  It was also very beneficial and interesting to conduct the research I did for the informational aspect of this blog…it has made me much more knowledgeable and less naive when I go out and add to my growing piercing collection.

As you are all aware, the holidays are right upon us, and although it has been such a pleasure adding to the momentum of this budding blog, I regrettably have to take a brief hiatus from posting.  With all the holiday melee that is crushing me, I won’t have all the time to keep up with posting, and I feel like any and all of my followers deserve better than that.  I hope to hear from you guys while I take this short break and can also take the time to consider any feedback or suggestions any of you have about my blog, or its content.  PLEASE send it to mypiercingstory@gmail.com and I will get back to you ASAP.  Thank you for keeping up with me for the first part of this journey, and I can’t wait to start this baby back up again soon!

Another Piercing Poll!!

If you visited a piercing parlor and received a piercing for a small dollar amount, and it ended up getting injected, would you go back to the piercing parlor and demand a full-refund and post a poor review about them on Yelp (if they’re on Yelp…)?

YES??                                                                                                                                                                           NO??


Send in your responses (in detail) to this poll, and we will feature them into a response post: mypiercingstory@gmail.com!

Corset Piercings. NOOOOPPPEEEEE. (NSFW)

Okay, I’m sorry for another video but ever since I watched the tragus video for tips, I’ve just been clicking away at the suggested videos.  Here is the final stage of a corset piercing–so it shows the lacing of the ribbon through the final placement of the piercings.  Honestly, these piercing are way too hardcore for my spectrum.  Don’t get me wrong, I think this chick rocks them, but for myself…I’d rather stick to ear piercings and the daring lower belly button piercing!  Is this piercing too hardcore for you too?  Or is this no skin off your…back?  Let me know by sending in your opinions at mypiercingstory@gmail.com.

Hilarious E-Cards Get Me Every Time…

I was very surprised that there were E-Cards out there specifically about piercings and tattoos, so when I googled it, I was very pleased to find a couple golden ones.  I figured I’d share the best one I found tonight, and then I can continue to make you giggle and post them every now and again.


This one was great because I’m sure nearly everyone with piercings can attest to the head-scratching moment when someone observes the many (or few) piercings you have and ask, “Did that hurt when you got it???”  I usually take a moment– and a breath — and patiently assure them that there is a fair amount of pain for any piercing one decides to get.  And then depending on the individual, I tell them, “It was such a crazy experience, feeling pain from a piercing, I thought I was going insane!”  While others choose to be more rude than I am sarcastic, I’d love to hear some of your experiences with this obnoxious question, please send them to mypiercingstory@gmail.com. 🙂

Video: Tragus Experience & Tips from YouTube!

I am glad I found this video because I haven’t really been actively looking online for vlogs that do pretty much exactly what I do on my blog.  This wonderful lady, Rachael Anne, has her own YouTube account that presents a variety of videos that are not just dedicated to piercings, but the one I found was very rich with valuable content and tips, especially if you are planning on getting a tragus piercing.  As you all know, I have both my tragus piercings that have long since healed, and I agree with every tip and bit of advice she shared in her video.  One thing I’d like to mention more is her address to those of you who are underage and wanting a piercing; I loved how Rachael recommended going to your parents and to avoid sketchy underage piercers WHO ARE NOT LICENSED.  I 100% agree with that and will resonate that piece of advice in my blog as well!  Enjoy her video and send your own piercing tips/advice into mypiercingstory@gmail.com, and if it is in video form I would absolutely love that, too!

My Piercing is Almost Fully Healed!

Since I last told you all about the poor state and eventual rejection of my forward helix piercing, I have been taking meticulous care of the wound left behind.  Well, my boyfriend had really helped with the process; helping with the cleaning and bandaging has really made the healing of this piercing incredibly fast.  So, here’s a picture of the process so far, I am really hoping it won’t scar, so I have been using Mederma for that.  If you have stories of incredible piercing healing like mine, PLEASE send them in to mypierciningstory@gmail.com and we will incorporate them into a future post!


Piercing Trivia That Will Have You Scratching Your Head

  1. A sub-clavicle piercing is the only piercing today that actually goes underneath a bone…the collarbone to be exact.


  1. Surface piercings usually have higher rejection rates because the amount of tension is greater in the area(s) pierced. Therefore more likely to become infected and rejected!
  2. A corset piercing is really a series of surface piercings that are connected with some sort of thread or ribbon. They are most commonly placed on the back, yet they can be done on the side or the chest.

Corset Piercing1

  1. The Achilles piercing passes between your ankle and your Achilles tendon. This piercing is extremely uncommon and very risky! It has the potential to permanently damage your ability to walk if there are any complications with this piercing.
  2. A Microdermal is a type of piercing that only has one exit hole. Basically, a flat plate sits under the skin with only one barbell post coming above the surface of the skin. This form of piercing is newer and has a very low rejection rate.
  3. Surfer piercings are rarely performed unless you have webbed toes. With normal toes, there usually isn’t enough skin to pierce.
  1. It usually takes six months to one year for your cartilage to heal completely. This is mainly because the lack of blood flow, which means more prone to infection.


  1. The “Vampire Kiss” is located on the side of the neck. The name makes sense because that’s the typical place a vampire would “bite”. The jewelry most commonly worn with the piercing is a barbell.A Smiley piercing is located under your upper lip.
  2. The smiley piercing basically goes through the small flap of skin under the lip. Therefore, it’s oral.A Smiley piercing is located under your upper lip. The piercing basically goes through the small flap of skin under the lip. Therefore, it’s oral.


  1. The smaller the gauge number, the bigger the size. The smallest gauge is 20 G

Share your piercing trivia with us at mypiercingstory@gmail.com!

Awesome Lower Belly Button Piercing Video

As you all know, I am really looking forward to getting my lower belly button pierced, and because I am that strange type of person to watch videos of the piercings I want to get…I am even more excited. It doesn’t look any more painful than my traditional belly piercing was, and if I were to get the same clear gem belly button piercing I have for my first belly button piercing, it would look even better.  Anyway, I chose to post this video not only because I love and want this piercing, but it is such a breath of fresh air after the awful piercing rejection story and failed septum piercing video.  I figured this would reinvigorate your appreciation (as well as my own) for piercings!

Introducing the New My Piercing Story Poll of the Week

When you see other individuals on the street with piercings that you know you desperately want, do you ever feel a bizarre sense of jealousy that they are unworthy to have that type of piercing (whatever it might be) before you get it?

YES??                                                                                                                                                                                  NO??

WHY??  Send your responses and stories to mypiercingstory@gmail.com, and we might feature your justifications/stories in our upcoming blog posts!

Another Piercing Blog??

I’m not trying to say that there are not other piercing blogs out there; however, I have spent more than enough time to explore the inter webs in hope of finding a blog like the one I’ve started.  Turns out, I WAS able to find one, and it is titled “Confessions of a Piercing Nerd.” I looked at the quality of the posts and content, and I was very excited.  On top of that, the author of the blog is Jef Saunders; he owns Rockstar Body Piercing in two different locations in Rhode Island.  So, he is a professional piercer by day and a piercing nerd blogger by night.  So, if you are craving more piercing information, I would definitely suggest looking at this blog. 🙂